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Customer Service

Customer Service

Our Customer Action Plan sets out our commitments to you, our customers, and this Action Plan describes how we will meet these commitments and how we will evaluate our performance. 

Customer Charter

An Bord Pleanála has adopted and published the Customer Charter and it is displayed on ourwebsite and in our reception area.

Irish Language

An Bord Pleanála welcomes the use of the Irish Language

You can read in our Language Scheme about our committments to the Irish Language.


An Bord Pleanála is committed to making our services accessible to all people and to carry out its responsibilities under the Disability Act 2005. 


You can find the current fees and charges at An Bord Pleanála.

Contact Us

You can contact us by email, telephone, post and visitng our office at 64 Marlborough Street. You can also find out our opening hours and how to find us.