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Observations - Take Part

An observation is where you can comment on a current appeal or application with An Bord Pleanála. Observations can be made on several types of cases. There are important differences depending on the type of case so it is important you follow the correct requirements necessary for that case type.

Warning: Below, there are four kinds of observations people can make. Please read the following information carefully and use the correct link to make your observation.


Observation on a current planning appeal

Any person, other than the applicant, planning authority or an appellant, can comment on a current planning appeal. A planning appeal is a review of an original decision on a planning application made by a planning authority.

Members of the public can send an observation on a current planning appeal to us online 

Find out more here

Observation on a strategic infrastructure development application (SID)

Any person, other than the applicant, can comment on a strategic infrastructure development application.

Strategic infrastructure development (SID) applications are applications for planning permission directly to An Bord Pleanála for major infrastructure developments by local authorities and others. Examples include motorways, railway lines, pipelines, airports, ports or major facilities like hospitals.

Members of the public can send an observation on a SID application to us online.

Find out more here


Observation on a large-scale residential development appeal

Any person, other than the applicant, planning authority or an appellant, can comment on a current LRD appeal. An LRD appeal is a review of an original decision on a LRD planning application made by a planning authority.

Examples of LRD cases include 100 or more houses, student accommodation units or mixed development of housing and student accommodation.

Members of the public can send an observation on a large-scale residential appeal application to us online.

Find out more here
