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Observation on a planning appeal online

Anyone can give their written comments to An Bord Pleanála on a planning appeal if they are not already a participant in the appeal.

When you give your comments in relation to an appeal, you are said to be making an observation or it may also be called a submission. The time limit is four weeks from the date the appeal or the last appeal is made. You will also need to pay a fee unless you are a prescribed body. We must have your online observation by 5.30pm on the final day to make an observation.

There are 3 stages to make your observation online.

1. What you need to include:

To send a valid observation online to An Bord Pleanála, you need to:
put your observation/submission in writing (either typed or handwritten).
state clearly your own name and postal address in the observation. If a planning agent is acting for you in this observation, the agent must clearly write their own name and postal address as well as your name and postal address.
give us enough details to allow us to easily identify the application or appeal you wish to make an observation on. Examples of the details we accept are:
  • The planning authority’s register reference number, or
  • the name and location of the proposed development in the application (for example:, Ballytown Transport Hub, Main Street,. Ballytown), or
  • the An Bord Pleanála case reference number for the application. The case reference number is the 6-digit number (for example: 300000).
give us:
  • your planning grounds of observation (reasons and arguments), and
  • any items you wish to support your grounds of observation.
have access to a debit or credit card and be ready to pay the correct fee.
  • An observation on a planning appeal - €50. (There is no fee for prescribed bodies)
We must have your observation within the time limit specified above.  Please contact if you need assistance.
complete your observation document and save it as a Microsoft Word document or as a PDF document with your name and details of the case. The observation document should not exceed the maximum allowed file size of 30MB. When you have saved it, the name of the observation should look like this:
  • PA Ref: 1980/22 or
  • 300000 - Ann Duine.docx, or
  • Ballytown Transport Hub, Main Street, Ballytown - John Murphy.pdf

If you want to find out more information about the different requirements, you can read our Making an observation on a Planning Appeal.

Note: If An Bord Pleanála has sent you a copy of an appeal, and has invited you to make a submission/observation on the appeal, there is no fee to do so. These types of observations must be submitted by email, post, or hand delivered to a member of staff in our office and cannot be done through the online portal.

2. How you make an observation

To make an observation, you can either:
Option 1
You can download the Observation form. The form is Microsoft Word (109Kb). You will need to complete the form and save it as a Microsoft Word document or as a PDF document.
Option 2
You can decide not to use our form and instead prepare your observation document. For example: you may wish to prepare an observation like a letter in a Microsoft Word document. You will still need to save or scan your document as a Microsoft Word document or as a PDF document to use the uploader. The document should not exceed the maximum allowed file size of 30MB.
Note: If you have supporting materials – for example, digital photographs or maps – please include them as part of the one Microsoft Word or PDF document. If you have supporting materials that are physical – for example, DVDs, CDs, or USB drives – or if you wish to submit visual or audio clips, you cannot use the online facility. You must make your observation by post or deliver it in person to a member of An Bord Pleanála staff at our office during office hours

3. Sending the completed observation online

When you have your observation completed and you have your debit or credit card ready for payment, you can:

Send Observation

Please note that the “Contact Details” online facility only relates to acknowledging the receipt of your online submission. Your name and postal address must be set out in your actual observation/submission.

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Making an Observation on a Planning Appeal