5. Amendments of Permission / Clarification of Decision
The applicant or any other person carrying out strategic infrastructure development granted by the Board may request the Board to alter the terms of the permission. The procedures to be adopted in such cases are detailed in a separate Board memorandum entitled "7th Schedule: Strategic Infrastructure Development – Applicants Guidelines". The Board must give public notice of its determination and will send a copy of the determination to the relevant local authority. A positive determination will have the effect of altering the planning permission. In certain cases, an EIAR or an NIS may be required and the usual public and other consultation process will be involved including giving public notice of the EIAR / NIS
Where a clerical error is involved, or where the Board considers it necessary to clarify what it intended should be facilitated by the permission, the Board may amend its decision. Such amendment may not, however, result in a material alteration to the terms of the development. The Board may invite submissions to it before it decides to amend a decision.
It is expected that a copy of any determination / clarifications referred to above will be placed on the public files, including the file held by the local authority.