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An Bord Pleanála information in alternative formats

This page explains how you can request An Bord Pleanála information in different and alternative formats.

We can provide information produced by An Bord Pleanála in alternative formats.

Alternative written formats available are:

  • Large Print
  • High contrast
  • Easy to read
  • Braille
  • Audio recording

Alternative spoken formats are:

  • Irish Sign Language interpretation
  • Real time captioning
  • SpeedText

We will try to facilitate your request in a timely manner however some alternative formats may take longer than others to produce or arrange. If this is the case, a staff member may offer to provide you the information in other options. However, you can continue to make your original request and we will try to facilitate this request.

For alternative spoken formats for meetings, oral hearings or other events we ask for as much notice as possible before the event. If there is short notice given we may not be able to arrange for an alternative spoken format for the event, but we will try to provide the requested alternative spoken format as soon as possible.

On occasions, it may not be possible to facilitate your request on time, cost or other grounds. If this happens, we will offer you other options if available.

Making an alternative format request
To help us facilitate your request, when contacting us please have the following information ready about your request:


  • Your name.
  • Contact details.
  • What alternative format you are requesting.

Alternative spoken format requests

  • If requesting an alternative spoken format, please tell us the event, date and time required. Some alternative services can take some time to arrange depending on availability of service providers. Please provide as much notice as possible.

Alternative written format requests

  • If requesting an alternative written format, please tell us the name of the document or the URL site address from our website.
  • ​Please tell us whether you wish to receive the alternative written format on paper or digitally by email or CD.
  • If requesting large print or high contrast please tell us your preferred font, font size, font colour and background colour.

Who to contact to make an alternative format request
You can contact the staff member looking after the case or service. Alternatively, you can contact the Access Officer.