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SID: Steps in the strategic infrastructure development process

This page explains the steps in the strategic infrastructure development process

The procedures depend on the type of case. For some cases there will be a three-step process of pre-application consultations, scoping followed by the application. Some cases may just have two steps of pre-application consultations followed by an application. Scoping is an option that an applicant may wish not to request before their application.
The three-step process is:


Pre-application consultations

A prospective applicant for permission / approval / other consent requests pre-application consultations with An Bord Pleanála.



A prospective applicant requests the Board to 'scope' the EIAR for the project



The applicant submits an application for planning permission, approval or other consent to An Bord Pleanála.

Difference between planning permission and approval

Applications for planning permission are for 7th Schedule developments. In these cases, the Board will decide to grant permission, grant permission with conditions or refuse permission.
Applications for approval are generally for all other strategic infrastructure development. For example: in an application for a local road scheme, the Board may decide to approve, approve with conditions or refuse to approve. In an application for a motorway, the Board may decide to approve, approve with modifications or refuse to approve. Other cases may use different terminology.

Apart from terminology, there is no significant difference as the Board may agree to the proposal, agree to the proposal but decide that changes are required for the proposal to proceed or the Board does not agree to the proposal.