Viewing decided case files: Public Access
Before you visit the office
If you want to view a decided case file, you can contact us at to arrange a time to view the file or files. This will also allow our staff to have the file or box available in the office when you arrive to view them.
Due to social distancing requirements it may be necessary to limit the number of people using the public access reading facilities in our office. We request that you contact us before visiting us if you wish to view files.
If requesting photocopies, we request that you pay charges where possible by debit or credit card, cheque, postal order or bankers draft. Our website can give you more information about fees and how to pay them.
When you visit the office
If you are visiting our office to view decided case files please indicate this to a member of our staff or security personnel and follow their instructions. You will be directed to an area where you can view the file.
When you have the file you may wish to use the free self-service photography service. Except for maps, plans and certain other items, you can photograph most documents on the case file. All you will need to do is fill in a Declaration Form and hand it to the member of the public access team assisting you. You can find out more about self-service photography and viewing decided case files on our website.
Photocopying of documents, plans and drawings remains available. You can find out the costs of photocopies in our viewing decided case files: public access guide. The photocopying service is currently very busy so please allow some time for photocopying. If documents cannot be photocopied during your visit, we will post the photocopies to you.