Chief Executive Report
Section 8(5) of the Act of 2016 provides that within 8 weeks from its receipt of a copy of the application, the Planning Authority shall prepare and submit to An Bord Pleanála a report of its Chief Executive setting out:
- a summary of the points raised in the submissions or observations received by An Bord Pleanála in relation to the application,
- their views on the effects of the proposed development on the proper planning and sustainable development of the area of the authority and on the environment, having regard in particular to –
- the matters specified in section 34(2) of the Act of 2000 relating to the considerations when making a decision on a planning application, and
- submissions and observations received by An Bord Pleanála in relation to the application, and
- where the Area Committee meeting(s) have taken place, a summary of the views expressed by elected members at the meeting(s) on the proposed development
- set out the Planning Authority’s opinion as to whether the proposed strategic housing development would be consistent with the relevant objectives of the development plan or local area plan, as the case may be.
- include a statement as to whether the authority recommends to the Board that permission should be granted or refused, together with the reasons for its recommendation. In this regard,
- planning conditions (if any) that the Planning Authority would recommend in the event that the Board decides to grant permission, together with the reasons and grounds for such conditions, shall also be included.
In addition to the Chief Executive Report, the Board may, where it considers it necessary to do so, require the Planning Authority to submit to the Board additional information in relation to the effects of the proposed strategic housing development on the proper planning and sustainable development of the area concerned and on the environment as the Board may specify, as per section 8(6) of the Act of 2016.
However, as the intention of the legislation is to provide certainty for developers in terms of timeframes for decision, An Bord Pleanála will not seek further information, as a general principle.